Navigating Support & Financial Resources

Girl with grandmother

Patient Access Navigator Program

If you’ve been prescribed ELREXFIO, you can receive one-on-one support from a Pfizer Patient Access Navigator during your treatment. To get support from a Patient Access Navigator, enroll in Pfizer Oncology Together™. After you enroll and opt in, you will be assigned a Patient Access Navigator who will work directly with you and your care team.

Access and financial assistance for eligible patients

Patient Access Navigators can help you access ELREXFIO by:

  • Providing details to help you navigate your insurance coverage, including letting you and your care team know how much of your treatment is covered by insurance and what your out-of-pocket costs may be
  • Connecting you to financial assistance resources if you’re eligible, regardless of insurance type
  1. If you need financial assistance to help you pay for your medicine, they can help identify potential resources for patients with commercial insurance, Medicare/government insurance, or those who don’t have insurance
  • Helping you identify solutions if you run into any challenges when accessing your treatment
  • Providing you with resources like, a free website that includes information to help you understand your insurance coverage, medical bills, and employment and disability rights
Treatment coordination

Patient Access Navigators can help you as you begin treatment with ELREXFIO by:

  • Confirming your hospital discharge plan with you and your care team if you’re receiving your first week’s doses at the hospital
  • Providing you with the information you need to receive treatment at your healthcare provider’s office
Support during your treatment

Patient Access Navigators can help support you during treatment with ELREXFIO by*:

  • Coordinating with you to confirm logistics, providing appointment reminders, and following up on insurance needs

*Patient Access Navigators will provide support to patients through their first 6 months of ELREXFIO treatment.

Request Patient Access Navigator support

Finding financial support options. Together.

If needed, Pfizer Oncology Together can help you find financial assistance options for your prescribed ELREXFIO, regardless of your insurance coverage.


Medicare/government insured

Resources for assistance if you have Medicare, Medicaid, and other government insurance plans, have a financial need, and may be eligible:

  • Pfizer Oncology Together can help you find financial support that may be available from alternate funding resources. These resources exist independently of Pfizer and have their own eligibility criteria and application processes
  • If support from alternate funding resources is not available, Pfizer Oncology Together will see if you are eligible for the Pfizer Patient Assistance Program, which can provide prescribed Pfizer Oncology medicines for free
Commercially insured

Resources for assistance if you are an eligible patient with commercial, private, employer, or state health insurance marketplace coverage:

  • Co-pay assistance: Eligible, commercially insured patients§ may pay as little as $0 per treatment for ELREXFIO, regardless of income. Limits, terms, and conditions apply. Patients may receive up to $25,000 per product in savings annually

Apply today


If you do not have any form of healthcare coverage and may be eligible:

  • Pfizer Oncology Together can check your eligibility for Medicaid and help you understand how to apply
  • Patients who do not qualify for Medicaid may receive free medicine through the Pfizer Patient Assistance Program

The Pfizer Patient Assistance Program is a joint program of Pfizer Inc. and the Pfizer Patient Assistance Foundation™. Free medicines from Pfizer are provided through the Pfizer Patient Assistance Foundation™. The Pfizer Patient Assistance Foundation™ is a separate legal entity from Pfizer Inc. with distinct legal restrictions.
